Today’s Fur Trade

Every year around 1 billion rabbits, and 50 billion other animals including foxes, seals, mink, raccoon, dogs and many more are live in fur farms or are trapped and killed in the wild just for their pelts. Much of this fur is imported from China and other countries with little regulations and concern for the animals they are killing. 100 animals or more are used just to make a single coat. This act is cruelty and not necessary for those animals trapped in the fur trade. These animals go through very poor conditions and only used for their fur for human profit.

– People need to realize how cruel fur farm are –

Animals in fur farms often spend their entire lives in tiny cages that are stacked on top of each other, with feces and urine falling down through the cages into their food and water. They are left crowded with other and have no proper protection from the elements. About 85 percent of these confined animals develop behavioral abnormalities, such as rocking, head-bobbing, self-mutilation, psychosis, and infanticide due to anxiety, boredom, and the inability to live in a way that meets their needs.

What happens in fur farm :

These animals enter the most cruel act when about to be killed for their fur. They are first put a metal clamp into the mouth, and a rod through the body that sends a high voltage current throughout the animals body. They also sometimes use gas chambers or a lethal injection which immobilizes the animal and they are skinned alive. China is the worlds largest fur exporter and has the most inhumane abuse to animals even to this day. Due to the absence of regulations, many animals furs including cats and dogs are advertised as different animals. This is because there are no penalties for abusing animals on fur farms in china.

Go here to sign a petition to stop fur trade ^