Last White Rhinos remaining

-Found in Nairobi, Kenya conservation-

Many people wouldn’t know but there is only 2 white rhinos left in the world, the last ever male (45 yrs old) died in captivity due to old age . The whole species has been wiped out by poaching for their very valuable horns. This species have been hunted aggressively for the last few decades to sell their parts in the black market. The last 2 females are under secure 24/7 guard and scientist are trying to find a way to breed more white rhinos, but for a big cost !

-Last male white rhino close to death in captivity-

-Why Poaching is bad-

  • Poaching is a terrible act done for profit if the animal has valuable parts on it, good for the market
  • Harmed animals are left in poor conditions that leads] to the extinction of the species when they are all killed off for resources
  • Poaching is illegal and not only hurts the species but it effects the environment also and could cause an imbalance in the ecosystem
  • Continued poaching leads to a decline in natural resources and the only way to keep the species alive is to keep them in captivity

We the people have to realize we are the cause of extinction many animals face around the world due to our bad decisions and lack of care… also pollution

-Affect of poaching-

Why Would someone do such a thing ???

Rhinos horns are a high demand in China and Viet Nam because they use them in medicine. Also most poachers harm these innocent creatures just for the profit of the rhino horns to soon cause the endangerment of a beautiful species. Some believe the horn can cure cancer and also is worth between $60,000 and $100,000 dependent on the kind and size.

-What’s Left-

Donate to an animal rights group to end poaching for good or find another helpful way to stop the action before its to late !

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