Why adopting from a shelter or rescue is important

Adopting from a shelter or rescue reduces the pet overpopulation from happening due to people abandoning their pets. You also save 2 lives, by adopting because these pets are in need of a second chance of a loving home and family. Adopting a pet that was unwanted and helpless you can make a change to give them a better life to live. Also by doing this you also give another animals in need a place at the shelter or rescue by adopting the ones already in there. The animals that come from mills and pet stores are made for profit and are often ill and have bad health and a lack of social skills. adopting from a shelter helps reduce this cruel act from continuing to happen.

they need a forever home too !


There are never enough homes for the amount of animals born each year so they are sent to the many shelters. Once they are in a shelter or rescue they are spayed and neutered to reduce the problem of over population. Also by adopting you can pick any age of the pet you want that already have basic training. With love and effort you could give that pet the life it’s always wanted, just the feeling of being wanted attaches them to you. Shelter and rescue pets are a much lower price because they are invested in the health of the pets and giving them a forever home, unlike store bought pets only sold over priced for profit. You also support a non-profit charity by adopting and it helps encourage others to do the same and get pets from a rescue. There are rescues and shelters all over the world and in every community in America which means there are always pets to be adopted, more and more come in each day.

This kitten was given a second change in a new home with people to care for her


I personally think its best to adopt from a shelter because it’s a good cause and helps the animals in need. My kitten we got 5 months ago, we got her from a shelter. She is the sweetest kitten and i’m happy we were able to give her the forever home she always wanted. In the future I plan to get all my pets either from a rescue or a shelter for the greater good of those pets left abandoned and unwanted.

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