Some big problems all zoos have is the fact that the animal is isolated in a small cement enclosure. Some animals are put together but separating pack animals into an enclosure can be very bad for their health. No animal wants to be locked up without the freedom to go where ever they want. These animals raised in captivity have little survival skills and don’t know how to survive in the wild. They are stuck doing the same thing each day with no change with people looking at them all day, when in the wild they would stay away.

These animals brought into the zoo and raised in the zoo’s are mainly for profit of the public wanting to see them. Most people don’t realize the stress these animals face just because they are entertained seeing these exotic animal. In captivity they become stressed, depressed, overweight or sick and then are killed if no longer profitable. The animal pace and sway back and forth in the enclosures to relieve itself out of frustration and boredom. When confined to small spaces and without the need to hunt or find food, animals lose what makes them unique.

safer for endangered species..

There is one good effect a zoo can have and that saving an endangered species from being wiped out in nature. There are no predators that can kill them. In a zoo the animal is monitored and fed properly. They put these animals in zoos to protect them and try to reproduce them in an environment they can survive before they are let back out into the wild. But they are raised with no survival skills like they would have received in the wild and will end up dying off again.