Puppy Mills

“A puppy mill is also known as a puppy farm, is a commercial dog breeding facility characterized by quick breeding and poor conditions.”

The Problem


Roughly 90% of puppies in a pet store come from a puppy mill. They are sold for sale through pet stores, or directly to consumers through classified ads or the Internet. Puppy mills are no different from a factory producing products to be sold. The main purpose of a puppy mill is breed and produce as many puppies as possible, with the shortest amount of time, and at the lowest possible cost. This process is done by getting a beautiful and pure bred adult female to go through continuous cycles of pregnancy and birth. This is usually done until the mother dog dies of exhaustion or illness. It is also done with the hope that the puppies will inherit the good aesthetic qualities of their mother.


What happens after birth

After the female dog gives birth to a litter of puppies, the rut of each litter is usually put to sleep or left to die because it is seen by the breeder as defective goods. The remaining puppies that are born healthy and fine will be put up for sale to the pet shops. For those that cannot be sold, they are also usually left to die or put to sleep as well. Reason being, keeping them alive means they have to be fed and looked after, which is a cost to them.



The dogs they breed are given little to no care or medical attention. They also do not see a need to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the mill as it will be an extra cost. Having the dogs live and sleep with their own poo and pee will be a common sight. As a result, these dogs suffer and die from various illnesses very easily.

“Research before you make the choice to support puppy mills”

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