– They are starved to make them even meaner before a fight –
Animal fighting is still done around the world in the act of making two animals fight against each other to the death. this is for sure animal cruelty and done for the entertainment of people. Fights may consist of a snake versus a mongoose (in Asia), a dog versus a dozen large rats (in Europe), a bear versus several dogs (in Pakistan), any single captured wild animal against a pack of dogs (in the Americas), or a man versus a bull (in Hispanic countries). People watch these actions gamble on them for a profit which is illegal. These animals are put into a pit terrified for their life with no possible escape.
Cockfighting birds are usually specially bred and when in the fight the cocks wear metal leg spikes long enough to fatally puncture the bodies of their opponents. Breeders also service the illegal dogfighting market and different species are preferred in different countries. Fights take place in obscure settings anywhere from lone country barns or woods to boats and the empty swimming pools of country estates.
-Bull Fighting-

Though there are variations throughout the world, the most famous Spanish bullfight consists of a toreador and his assistants, who gradually weaken the bull with spears until the main toreador kills it with a sword. There is no chance for the bull to ever win this fight they always end up dead for entertainment. Bullfighting feels like only torture and execution for the amusement of the crowd. For a number of hours prior to the bullfight, the bull is held in a tiny isolation cell with no of food, water, light or the company of his herd. This confuses and panics the bull making it stressed physically and mentally. Just before entering the bullring, the bull is harpooned and begins the fight for his life already wounded and bleeding against not one but a group of people trying to kill it. They are constantly abused and tortured in the fight until they are no longer able to function or stand. they end the fight by paralyzing the bull and dragging it around the pit for the bloodthirsty crowd watching.
-Dog Fighting-

Dog fighting can be traced to the Middle Ages, when blood lust and large amounts of money were its main attractions. Today’s dogs usually American pit bull terriers are specially trained, from the start, to recognize the flesh of other dogs as food and their blood as a drink. This is encouraged by days of starvation, after which they are placed in a cage with a weakened animal bleeding from razor slashes. During their training, the fighting dogs endurance is built up by placing them on specially designed treadmills with live kittens or freshly slaughtered meat hanging in front of them.